


게시판 내용
[Comparison Note] Exgene™ Clinic kit vs. Competitor's DNA kit
View : 64   |   2022-08-08



[Comparison Note]

DNA extraction : Exgene™ Clinic Kit vs. Competitor's DNA kit



Cell, blood and tissue are among the most common samples in molecular laboratories. 

Many research studies require proper handling to isolate nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) for the performance of downstream applications by PCR, RT-PCR, NGS, or other techniques. 

To ensure successful analysis, it is desirable to extract high quality nucleic acids possible.

Here we compare the genomic DNA extraction efficiency of two commercial kits : GeneAll Exgene™ Clinic kit and Competitor’s DNA extraction kit.

Attachment 1 file0 [Comparison Note] Exgene Clinic kit vs. Competitor's DNA kit.pdf
게시판 이전/다음글
Previous post [Application Note] Comparing Yield and Quality of Genomic DNA extracted from Four Different Cell Types
Next post [Application Note] High-quality and Highly Scalable Cell DNA Extraction using GenEx™ Cell, the Solution-type Genomic DNA Extraction Kit